Identity Crisis in Sukha Bargad by Manzoor Ehtesham

Identity Crisis in Sukha Bargad by Manzoor Ehtesham


  • Samir Khan


Struggle, Identity Crisis, Muslim Society


The Partition of India and Pakistan was perhaps one of the most heartbreaking events of Indian history. Many people were uprooted and many lost. Its ripples are still felt every day in our culture, in our movies, in our books and for many of us, in our personal lives as well. The Partition also caused the largest mass migration in human history. Many Muslims migrated from India to Pakistan and many Hindus from Pakistan to India. After Partition the problem of identity for Indian Muslims is one of the burning issues of today’s postcolonial world. Because of the migration people all over India since Partition became the victims through power transplantation. Therefore, one big question always haunts the migrant: “Who am I?”


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Ehtesham, Manzoor. Sukha Bargad. New Delhi: Rajkamal Prakashan. 1986. Print. Collins, Larry and Dominique Lapierre. Freedom at Midnight New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1977. Jauss, Hans Robert. Literary History as a Challenge to Literary Theory. New Literary History. Vol. 2, 1970. Print.

Shaikh, Firoz A. The partition and its versions in Indian English Novels: A Critical Study.Ph.D Thesis, Saurashtra University. 2006. Rao, Pala Prasad, Rani, Nirupa, Rao, Bhaskara D. India-Pakistan Partition Perspectives in Ando-English Novels. New Delhi: Discovery, 2004. Print.

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How to Cite

Samir Khan. (2016). Identity Crisis in Sukha Bargad by Manzoor Ehtesham. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 2(2). Retrieved from