Development of Short Story as a Literary Genre

Development of Short Story as a Literary Genre


  • Mansi Devmurari


We can all recognize a short story when we see or read one. But when it comes to defining a short
story, problems arise one after the other. There are so many different kinds of short stories, that no single
definition would cover all. So, the best way is, to define the sort story in the most general terms. The short
story has never been adequately defined, even the short story writers disagree with regards to its native and
scope. Each one has tried to define it in his own way. H. E. Bates say that a short story has ‘’ something of
the infinitely and indefinite variable nature of a cloud.’’
H. G. Wells in his definition of the short story emphasizes its brevity and calls it, ‘’ The jolly art of
making something very bright and moving; it may be horrible or pathetic or funny or profoundly
illuminating, having only this essential, that it should take five to ten minutes to read aloud.’’


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History of Indian English Literature volume III by J. N. Mundra and S. C. Mundra, Prakash Book Depot.

Krishnamurthi K. S.; The Indian Heritage Volume II edition A. K. Shivastva, Print House Lucknow, 1981.

Singh R. A. and Kumar R, Critical Studies on Indian Writing in English.

Dr. Agnihotry G. N., Indian Life and Development of Short Stories by the Penguin Group, 1984.

Blackwell Guides to Criticism. Edited by Emma Smith, Blackwell Publishing.

Literary Ages, Movements and Forms by Goyal Bhagwat, Student Store, Bareilly, 1941.

The Free Wikipedia – (short story as a genre).

Srinivasan Iyengar A. R. S. Indian Writing in English.

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How to Cite

Mansi Devmurari. (2016). Development of Short Story as a Literary Genre. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 1(5). Retrieved from