Yoga: A Key to Holistic Way of Living with Ease

Yoga: A Key to Holistic Way of Living with Ease




The purpose of a key is to unlock the lock similarly Yoga as a means has immense potential to unlock our hidden potential buried within us each individual apart from all the differences.A little awareness about how yoga works and regular practice can make the difference.In present day the meaning of living is shrinking day by day from blooming with your fullest potential to just merely existing.In that situation happiness seems to be a mirage and an occasional affair .As there is a make believe we have set, some of the parameters which are also faulty like after 40yrs you will be in the grasp of lifestyle diseases, but is it true or according to whom it is true? Who set the bar? We all are different human beings or individuals how one size fit for all? Demographic data shows that the average age of male and female has increased in this decade. Isn’t it our responsibility to lead a healthy and happy life for ourselves, our society and at last for country(if we are happy and healthy we can be in a better position in health and happiness index compared to other countries) . Let’s talk about why and how yoga will unlocks benefits: The main objective of Yoga is “chittavrittinirodaha” which means restraining of the mental modifications and realisations of true potential. Maharishi Patanjali presented the eightfold path of Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga for the overall development of the human personality these are:


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How to Cite

DR. RUMA BISWAS. (2024). Yoga: A Key to Holistic Way of Living with Ease. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from