Examining the poisoning deaths among autopsies performed at the Civil Hospital in Ahmedabad

Examining the poisoning deaths among autopsies performed at the Civil Hospital in Ahmedabad


  • Dhara Mohanbhai Jadav


Poisoning, male sex, young age, low socioeconomic status, suicidal, organophosphate


Background: Pesticide poisoning that occurs suddenly and severely is a major global issue. Knowing the typical patterns of poisoning in a certain area may help to identify and manage poisoning crises early, reducing morbidity and mortality to the absolute minimum. The goal of the current study was to identify some key epidemiological characteristics, patterns, and other aspects of poisoning among cases of poisoning at Civil hospital Ahmedabad.

Material and Methods: The present research was a retrospective evaluation of instances of medico-legal autopsies in which poisoning had been suspected in the past and in which poisoning had been discovered during post-mortem examination after the body had been examined.

Results: 357 of the 8069 postmortem cases that fell within the purview of this study were linked to poisoning. Thirty to sixty years of age constituted thirty-five percent of all cases (109 cases). Majority of cases were Male 58.8 % (210 cases). The majority were Literate 75.6 % (270 cases). In the present study, majority were married 70.6 % (252 cases). Majority cases survived for greater than 24 hours 48.2% (172 cases) & had manner of death as suicidal (284 cases) 79.6 %. According to the current study, 40.1% of the poisons utilised were organophosphorous chemicals (77 cases).

Conclusion: After reviewing all of the autopsies from poisoning cases, it was found that the leading cause of death was suicide, and that people were more prone to ingest poison between the ages of 20 and 40.


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How to Cite

Dhara Mohanbhai Jadav. (2024). Examining the poisoning deaths among autopsies performed at the Civil Hospital in Ahmedabad. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1698