Social Relationship Amongst Athletics Coaches and Athletes as A Factor That Hinders Athletics Activities in Eastern Region- Sierra Leone

Social Relationship Amongst Athletics Coaches and Athletes as A Factor That Hinders Athletics Activities in Eastern Region- Sierra Leone




Athletics, Social, Coach, Athletes, Encouragement


Athletics is an exclusive collection of sporting events that involves competitive running, jumping, throwing and walking; the most common types of athletics competition are track and field, road running, cross country running and race walking. The simplicity of the competition, and the lack of a need for expensive equipment, makes athletics one of the most commonly competed sports in the world.  Based on this finding, the authors suggested that inter-individual variation in performance could be explained by quantity and quality of training. Since then, there have been no reliable differences found between expert and novice performers on static, physical capacities such as visual acuity, reaction time, or memory. However, consistent differences for domain-specific information processing strategies have been identified, thus suggesting that these differences were the result of training experience impeding athletics activities. The study showed lack of encouragement/motivation and most of the athletes approach their coaches with fear and further indicate medium relationship, no group discussion and experience sharing amongst athletes in the Eastern Region.


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How to Cite

CHRISTIAN GENDEMEH. (2024). Social Relationship Amongst Athletics Coaches and Athletes as A Factor That Hinders Athletics Activities in Eastern Region- Sierra Leone. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from