Role of Aerobics Exercises to Reduce Body Fat Percentage of Overweight People

Role of Aerobics Exercises to Reduce Body Fat Percentage of Overweight People




Body composition, Aerobics activities, Body mass index


The purpose of the present study was to find the role of aerobics exercises to reduce body fat percentage of overweight people. For this study 40 overweight male & female subjects were selected between the ages of 35-45 years from the general population of district Anand, Vallabh Vidyanagar City and then selected subjects were divided into two groups i.e. 20 as an experimental group and 20 as control group. In the present study purposive-random sampling technique was applied to select the subjects. For measuring body fat percentage, the body composition analyzer and WHO’s BMI norms table were used. The BMI was calculated easily from the following formula BMI = [Weight in kg / Square of height in meters]. After assessment of pre-test as experimental treatment aerobics exercises training was conducted for the experimental group for 8 weeks and no training to control group. After the completion of 08 weeks aerobics exercises training, the post-test (measurement of body fat percentage) was conducted to know the significant difference. The ‘t’ test was applied to find out the significant difference. On the basis of statistical analysis, it was concluded that aerobic exercises play a significant role in reducing the body fat percentage of overweight people.


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Health and Physical Education By Saraswati Publication by Dr. V. K. Sharma –M.A., M. P. Ed., PhD. Professor, dept. of Physical Education in DAV college, Cheeka, Haryana.

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How to Cite

Dr. MUNJAL MAHESHBHAI RAMI. (2024). Role of Aerobics Exercises to Reduce Body Fat Percentage of Overweight People. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from