Fund Management in Private Hospitals

Fund Management in Private Hospitals




Fund management, health care, asset management, fund allocation, optimization, cost analysis, quality healthcare, public private partnership


The term healthcare fund management describes the scientific and evidenced support to the healthcare setups. The subject focuses on every aspect of fund utilization, distribution and how best optimized during and post investment. The study constitutes management of financial assets with capital and revenue resourcing. This study provides very useful information on cost analysis, investment management, expenditure, resource allocation and the impact on quality healthcare services. Healthcare fund management is a type of investment management that focuses on managing investments and financial portfolios for healthcare organizations. It involves the analysis of investments, financial markets and the healthcare industry in order to identify and optimize opportunities for growth. It gives an overview of cost analysis, cost optimization & cost effectiveness. A brief of technology measurement and cost effectiveness determination is also explained. It also supports the expansion of healthcare facility in different geographies and in remote areas with various investor supported schemes.


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How to Cite

DR. RASHMIKANTA TRIPATHY. (2024). Fund Management in Private Hospitals. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from