Modeling the Acceptance of Next Generation ICTs: A Critical Approach

Modeling the Acceptance of Next Generation ICTs: A Critical Approach


  • Bhavik U. Swadia


Doctoral Colloquium


This PhD research will attempt to model how emerging ICTs may be accepted by the new consumer in
today’s social settings. This paper focuses on assessing specific models identified in the literature that could
be used to analyse potential consumer behaviour in relation to the adoption or acceptance of emerging ICTs.
The consumer decision models and theories developed in the 1960s are still being used to structure
research in the field of consumer behaviour. This is despite decision-making today being a more complex
phenomenon due to factors such as the digital media revolution and globalisation. Moreover, previous
research efforts have concentrated on assessing user acceptance of particular pre-existing technologies rather
than investigating the adoption and acceptance process of emerging ICTs. It would seem imperative that
marketers embrace the new consumer and gain a deeper insight into the psychological traits and cognitive
behavioural antecedents that drive the uptake of emerging Information and Communication Technologies
From a theoretical perspective, the study highlights the need for marketing academics to consider more
fully the importance of understanding the adoption and acceptance process of next generation ICTs in the
current environment. Moreover, the research will seek to make a necessary and timely empirical
contribution by examining the current academic research and practice relating to the adoption of ICTs
outside the work environment which has been identified as a key area that must me addressed.
The research will also seek to make a practical contribution by deriving the relevant implications for
marketing managers.


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How to Cite

Bhavik U. Swadia. (2016). Modeling the Acceptance of Next Generation ICTs: A Critical Approach. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 1(4). Retrieved from

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