Enhancing Communication Skills Using Wordsworth Language Lab Software among Engineering Students of Gujarat State

Enhancing Communication Skills Using Wordsworth Language Lab Software among Engineering Students of Gujarat State


  • Yogesh Ramani


Communication Skills, English Language Learning Software, Use of ICT


This 21st century – an era of information and technology demands that engineering students should have language competency if they want to reach the global pool of knowledge and technology. The chief objective of Communication Skills at Technical Education is to achieve the level of communicative competence that authorizes students to use a foreign language in professional activities. Many academicians and researchers have proposed different methodologies to learn English using existing technologies i.e. educational software, CDs, DVDs, videos, emails, internet, language labs, etc. This paper discusses how web-based language learning software can be used effectively in technical education to enhance communicative competency. Implementation of web-based language learning software in academic is complex and long-term process, but it provides a better learning experience and a competitive education. English teachers have privilege of using software for supplementing class with interactive tasks, audio-visual materials to arouse and sustain the interest of students, motivate the unwilling students to explore the mode of learning through multi-media. With the popularization of ICT, now people have the opportunity to learn from and learnt with technology. This paper presents overview of availability of language learning software and its effectiveness.


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www.wordsworthelt.com Words Worth Digital English Language Lab Demo Software. – A Digital Technology Solution for Language Enhancement

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How to Cite

Yogesh Ramani. (2016). Enhancing Communication Skills Using Wordsworth Language Lab Software among Engineering Students of Gujarat State. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 1(5). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1081