Sustainable Leadership and Dynamic Managerial Capabilities in International Business: A Review

Sustainable Leadership and Dynamic Managerial Capabilities in International Business: A Review


  • Gavkhar Turaeva
  • Dr. Dhanashree Katekhaye
  • Rashmi Patel


Dynamic Managerial Capabilities, International Business, Sustainable Leadership


Today's fast-shifting environmental circumstances call for the development of novel, adaptive working groups, and the emergence of new forms of leadership to steer them. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the relationship between sustainable leadership and dynamic managerial capabilities in the context of international business. Sustainable leadership encompasses the ability of leaders to balance economic, social, and environmental considerations while driving organizational success. Dynamic managerial capabilities refer to the skills and competencies that enable managers to adapt to the complexities of the international business environment. By examining existing literature and empirical studies, this review aims to shed light on how sustainable leadership and dynamic managerial capabilities can be effectively integrated to promote organizational sustainability and competitive advantage in international business settings.


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How to Cite

Gavkhar Turaeva, Dr. Dhanashree Katekhaye, & Rashmi Patel. (2023). Sustainable Leadership and Dynamic Managerial Capabilities in International Business: A Review. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(3). Retrieved from