A Study on Needs of Appropriate Law for E-Commerce Contract in India

A Study on Needs of Appropriate Law for E-Commerce Contract in India


  • Mr. Govind L. Vekariya


E-Commerce, structure of E-Commerce, E-Commerce Contract in India, needs of appropriate law


E-commerce has experienced exponential growth in India, driven by technological advancements and increasing internet penetration. With this growth, the need for appropriate legal frameworks to regulate e-commerce contracts has become imperative. This study examines the current state of e-commerce contracts in India and highlights the necessity of a comprehensive legal framework to address the evolving dynamics of online commercial transactions.

In recent years, India has experienced a significant surge in e-commerce activities, driven by the widespread adoption of digital technology and increased internet penetration. As e-commerce continues to play a pivotal role in the Indian economy, there is an evident need for appropriate legal infrastructure to govern e-commerce contracts. This study aims to analyze the essential requirements for an effective legal framework governing e-commerce contract in India, considering the rapid evolution of the digital marketplace.

India has witnessed significant growth in e-commerce activities, with a surge in online transactions and business dealings. This evolution necessitates the establishment of appropriate legal frameworks to govern e-commerce contracts in the country. The growing need for an effective legal structure tailored to the complexities of e-commerce transactions in India calls for a critical examination of the existing laws and the identification of areas requiring reform. This analysis aims to highlight the key needs for an appropriate law for e-commerce contracts in India, focusing on the legal challenges, consumer protection, and the facilitation of fair and transparent online trade.


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How to Cite

Mr. Govind L. Vekariya. (2023). A Study on Needs of Appropriate Law for E-Commerce Contract in India. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(2). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1531