Use and awareness of Open Education Resources among educators, graduate students and research scholar of Saurashtra University

Use and awareness of Open Education Resources among educators, graduate students and research scholar of Saurashtra University


  • Kaushik D. Rao


Open Education Resources, ICT, online resources, traditional resources


In the world of information communication and technology every work is possible online in business, industries and education. Even ratio of using online resources is found maximum in students. In this case use of Open education resources are very beneficial for the students and teachers. for the study data have been collected from 500 respondent. Among them 100 are educators, 200 students and 200 research scholar. After analyzing the data it is found that students and research scholars are more aware with the use of OER.


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How to Cite

Kaushik D. Rao. (2020). Use and awareness of Open Education Resources among educators, graduate students and research scholar of Saurashtra University. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(5). Retrieved from