Online Teaching and Learning: Issues and Remedies

Online Teaching and Learning: Issues and Remedies


  • Bhaveshkumar Bipinchandra Rana


Online Teaching – learning, Issues, Remedies


The world of education is shifting towards online teaching and training during this period of Covid 19 pandemic. The positive aspects of online mode are undeniable: reduced costs, convenience and flexibility for the student and the ability to train thousands of people all over the globe at the same time. You can monitor what students are doing at any given moment, and it breaks with the inertia and passivity of classroom courses. However, e-learning has its own weaker sides in respective domain of education. It would be too optimistic to see E-learning as a panacea. The only way to know and understand the issues regarding e-teaching and e-learning is to interact with those who actually are doing this: the teachers and students. Having the knowledge of both – strength and weaknesses of online mode of teaching and learning, we can implement it with its full potential. This paper is the result of interaction with the students and teachers of an Engineering College in which the author has tried to highlight some major issues in the process of online teaching and learning.


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How to Cite

Bhaveshkumar Bipinchandra Rana. (2020). Online Teaching and Learning: Issues and Remedies. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(5). Retrieved from