Narrative Art in "Bombay Theatre" in 'Naipaul's India: Million Mutinies Now'

Narrative Art in "Bombay Theatre" in 'Naipaul's India: Million Mutinies Now'


  • Nitin Chauhan


Travelogue is a genre which is combination of almost all the techniques of literary genres. One can find vivid narration like a novel and dialogues like drama. The genre travel writing can also be written like essay that consist description and it can have critical analysis too. A travelogue is difficult form because travel writer has to leave home, whether literally or metaphorically, exploring unknown land and live among the people of foreign land for a particular period. Travel writer has to note down facts and notions during his stay and write at leisure with the help of memories and his creativity 'recollected in tranquillity' in Wordsworth's term. As the genre travel writing incorporates many techniques of narration, this article focuses on a chapter one „Bombay Theatre‟ of travelogue ‘A Million Mutinies Now’ written by V.S. Naipaul. Primarily this article probes into how Naipaul has narrated the account of his traveling and which techniques and art have been used to unfold his experience.


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How to Cite

Nitin Chauhan. (2020). Narrative Art in "Bombay Theatre" in ’Naipaul’s India: Million Mutinies Now’. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(6). Retrieved from