Integration of Cloud with AI, Mobile and IoT: A Comprehensive Review

Integration of Cloud with AI, Mobile and IoT: A Comprehensive Review


  • Sakshi Patil
  • Rutik Indulkar
  • Subodh Hande


Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Mobile Cloud Computing


Cloud computing offers computing resources over the Internet. Scalability, cost efficiency, virtualization, elasticity features of cloud computing provide various opportunities to service providers, large to medium organizations and individuals to grow their businesses. Due to advancement in technologies that are surrounded by cloud computing, it is impossible to imagine cloud computing domain in isolation. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), mobile technology, biometric technology, data science, Human Computing Interface (HCI), Digital Image Processing (DIP) based systems are generating gigantic amount of data and demanding extensive number of computations that are beyond the handling capacity of local computing and storage environment. Extensive storage and computation requirements of these technologies are fulfilled by cloud computing environment. Here comes the need of integrating cloud computing technology with other domains. In this paper, we have reviewed integration of cloud technology with one of the three prominent domains such as Artificial Intelligence, IoT and Mobile technologies. Authors have comprehensively analyzed need, benefits and mechanisms supporting integration of cloud with AI, IoT and Mobile technologies.


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How to Cite

Sakshi Patil, Rutik Indulkar, & Subodh Hande. (2023). Integration of Cloud with AI, Mobile and IoT: A Comprehensive Review. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si7), 660–678. Retrieved from