Cloud Technology in Business

Cloud Technology in Business


  • Ashish Kamat
  • Suren Hembram
  • Nitin Vaishnav
  • Varsha Sontakke


Cloud Technology, Business Organization, Cloud Deployment Models, Cloud Service Models, SMB, SME, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS are the key terms of this article


The focus of the entire globe is on online data storage, where data is accessible at any time via a network. This concept is called as Cloud Computing. Many firms have chosen the flexibility and benefits of cloud computing over the traditional technique of local software hosting and storage. In recent years, the value of cloud-based public services surged in billions. Its expansion is exacerbated by the overuse of social media, e-commerce, and mobiles. This study focuses on the significance of implementing Cloud Technology in business organisations [micro, Small Medium Companies [SMBs], and Small Medium Businesses [SMEs] and by what means it influences development in business, based on a review of the relevant research literature.


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How to Cite

Ashish Kamat, Suren Hembram, Nitin Vaishnav, & Varsha Sontakke. (2023). Cloud Technology in Business. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si7), 636–649. Retrieved from