Streamlining Software Development: An Approach to CI/CD Pipeline Automation

Streamlining Software Development: An Approach to CI/CD Pipeline Automation


  • Prasanna Padhye
  • Amar Khawale
  • Prof. Dr. Gufran Ahmed Ansari


Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, CI/CD Pipeline, Automation, Configuration Management, Dynamic Infrastructure Provisioning, Dependency Management, Software Development


Continuous Integration or Continuous Deployment pipelines have become a widely adopted practice in modern software development, allowing teams to achieve faster and more reliable software releases. However, many existing CI/CD pipelines require significant manual configuration and maintenance, resulting in overhead and potential bottlenecks in the development workflow. In this paper, we are presenting a framework approach of CI/CD pipeline automation that leverages advanced automation techniques. Our approach utilizes a combination of declarative configuration management, dynamic infrastructure provisioning, and intelligent dependency management to streamline the software development process, reduce manual overhead, and enhance overall pipeline efficiency. We present a framework implementation and evaluate its effectiveness in a real-world software development environment, demonstrating significant improvements in build and deployment times, reduced pipeline failures, and increased development productivity. Our findings highlight the potential of our unique approach in optimizing CI/CD pipelines and improving software delivery practices in lesser time and lesser failures.


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How to Cite

Prasanna Padhye, Amar Khawale, & Prof. Dr. Gufran Ahmed Ansari. (2023). Streamlining Software Development: An Approach to CI/CD Pipeline Automation. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si7), 505–519. Retrieved from