Secure Access Control in Cloud Computing Environments: Smart Contract Blockchain

Secure Access Control in Cloud Computing Environments: Smart Contract Blockchain


  • Hritwika Dubey
  • Kashish Roy


Access Control, Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Ethereum, Smart Contract


Over the years, Cloud Computing has become rapidly embraced due to its flexibility and cost-effectiveness. However, it also presents a number of security challenges, especially with regards to access control. Conventional access control methods, like Role-based Access Control, have limitations in terms of centralized control, lack of transparency, and susceptibility to cyber-attacks. As a result, there is a need for more efficient, transparent, and secure Access Control mechanisms in Cloud Computing environments.

In this Research paper, we put forward a non-centralized and tamper-proof Access Control mechanism that uses smart contract blockchain technology to address these limitations. Our model leverages the Ethereum platform's smart contract feature to stockpile access control programs and enable secure verification of user’s access requests. The smart contract blockchain is immutable, transparent, and decentralized, which makes it resistant to tampering and provides a high degree of transparency in the access control process.

Our proposed model has several advantages over traditional access control mechanisms. Firstly, it provides an effective and automated approach to manage access control policies. With our model, access control policies can be easily updated and enforced through smart contracts, which eliminates the need for manual updates and reduces the risk of errors. Secondly, it provides a high degree of transparency in the access control process, which allows users to verify the legitimacy of their access requests and ensures that access control policies are being enforced fairly. Finally, it offers a heightened level of security, as the Smart Contract Blockchain is resistant to tampering and it offers a platform for Access Control that is both secure and non-centralized.

To assess the efficacy of our model for Access Control management, we performed a series of experiments in a simulated Cloud Computing environment. The findings revealed that our model offers a superior and secure approach for managing access control programs compared to conventional methods.

To conclude, our study suggests a secure and non-centralized access control solution by utilizing blockchain technology through smart contracts, to address the limitations of conventional Access Control methods in Cloud Computing environments. Our model provides a more efficient, transparent, and secure way to manage Access Control program to maintain the authenticity and confidentiality of Cloud services.


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How to Cite

Hritwika Dubey, & Kashish Roy. (2023). Secure Access Control in Cloud Computing Environments: Smart Contract Blockchain. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si7), 392–404. Retrieved from