Telecom Customer Churn Prediction: A Review

Telecom Customer Churn Prediction: A Review


  • Srushti Lohiya
  • Omkar Salunkhe
  • Samiksha Parshionikar
  • Prof. Surabhi Thatte


In recent years, predicting customer-churn in the telecom sector has been one of the most popular study subjects. It entails identifying clients who are inclined to revoke their service subscriptions. The mobile telecommunications market has undergone a transformation from one of rapid growth to one of saturation and intense rivalry. Since these customers are more likely to migrate to the competitor in the near future, telecommunications companies are now more focused on keeping their current clients. The process of creating a robust and reliable churn prediction model takes time, but it is crucial. This paper provides an excellent overview of customer churn, including its impacts, causes, consequences for businesses, methodology, and all churn prediction strategies. It comprises a wide range of methodologies proposed by previous studies as well as the technology used in these studies. New researchers will be able to find all the data they require for their churn prediction model requirements in one place thanks to this study. This report provides a thorough analysis by thoroughly outlining the research that has been done in the area and will act as a vast knowledge base for all predictions of churn in the telecom industry.


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How to Cite

Srushti Lohiya, Omkar Salunkhe, Samiksha Parshionikar, & Prof. Surabhi Thatte. (2023). Telecom Customer Churn Prediction: A Review. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si7), 158–170. Retrieved from