Medical X-RAY Image Classification Using CNN Based Model

Medical X-RAY Image Classification Using CNN Based Model


  • Prashant Patil
  • Chetan More
  • Vedant Bajirao


Deep Learning, Machine Learning, ResNet152V2, Convolutional Neural Network, Pneumonia


Viruses, bacteria, and fungus may all cause pneumonia, which one among the primary reasons of mortality in the globe. Detecting pneumonia from chest X-rays is challenging, however, this work is about simplifying the procedure for both experts and novices using a novel deep learning framework based on transfer learning. Previous studies have proposed a large amount of deep learning models as for pneumonia detection, but finding a successful approach that fulfils all performance measures. Therefore, this work proposes a pre-trained model called ResNet152V2, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), and evaluates it using Python. The suggested model outperforms other models in terms of f1-score, area under the curve, precision, accuracy and by 94.65%, 92.85%, 93.94% and 93.27%, respectively. An important goal of this research is to offer effective deep learning model for the identification and categorization of pneumonia.


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How to Cite

Prashant Patil, Chetan More, & Vedant Bajirao. (2023). Medical X-RAY Image Classification Using CNN Based Model. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si7), 1–13. Retrieved from