Ensuring Safety and Minimizing Risk: Human Resource Management Approaches in the Oil and Gas Sector - An Overview

Ensuring Safety and Minimizing Risk: Human Resource Management Approaches in the Oil and Gas Sector - An Overview


  • Dr. Trupti Desai


HR, Management, Safety, Risk Mitigation, Oil and Gas, Industry, Review


The oil and gas sector places a premium on safety and risk reduction due to the potentially dangerous nature of its activities. Therefore, it is very necessary to have efficient management of human resources (HR) in order to offer a working environment that is free of risks and to lessen the likelihood of possible hazards. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the HRM strategies employed by the oil and gas industry to boost security and cut down on dangers. The industry as a whole has embraced these methods. Developing one's leadership abilities, fostering a safety culture, and training and recruiting staff are all essential tenets of human resource management, which are examined in this article. We do this by relying on the most recent research and practices in the industry. Human resource management plays an important role in the oil and gas sector to ensure the safety of workers and the continuity of operations, according to this study, which draws on a synthesis of data from other research initiatives.


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How to Cite

Dr. Trupti Desai. (2024). Ensuring Safety and Minimizing Risk: Human Resource Management Approaches in the Oil and Gas Sector - An Overview. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(5). Retrieved from http://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/2117