Exceptional Research Areas in English Literature for Succeeding Indian Scholars

Exceptional Research Areas in English Literature for Succeeding Indian Scholars


  • Dhwani Chetankumar Trivedi


English Literature, New Dimensions, Research, Trends


Different forms of literature in different timespans bring new areas of exploration for scholars and academics. This research paper aims to discover such new areas which likely occurred due to digitalization, accessibilityto internet in India like cyberculture, techno-romanticism, electronic literature, digital media, media studies, information technology in literature, storytelling across media platforms, blogging, critical and creative digital humanities. Other new portals of research have beencoming forth in areas of translation studies, trans-creative studies, literature and religion, literature and medicine (medical humanities), literature and Indian mythologies and occult as there many such literary works which if explored can be the answers of modern problems faced by collective groups of writers and readers providing a renewed, rejuvenated outlook to literature. Further, dimensions can be opened in science fiction, fan culture, women’s life writing, interdisciplinary approaches to literary study, post humanities, new critical methodologies, cross cultural literature, feminist new materialism, ecocriticism. Research in English literature in India still has many unexplored and ever-exploring arenas which keep evolving with time and waiting to be explored.


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How to Cite

Dhwani Chetankumar Trivedi. (2023). Exceptional Research Areas in English Literature for Succeeding Indian Scholars. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si1). Retrieved from http://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1460