A Critical study on Kim by Rudyard Kipling

A Critical study on Kim by Rudyard Kipling


  • Ms. Minal P. Vasava


contemporary, colonization, portrays, society, culture


The paper analyses how the jottings of Rudyard Kipling mark the tidemark of literary reflection of the Indian culture. His jottings supplicate images of contemporary Anglo-Indian setup. Rudyard Kipling has given a pen picture of the mega city of Lahore and Simla which had by 1882 started wearing the look of a social megacity. His new Kim portrays an imperialist view of the social India. He reproduced in his particular life both the painful artistic changes that had taken place in his society and the history of British colonialism in India. Kipling's writings feel to center substantially around India. Kim actually showed a real love and understandingfor India. Then the author displays a vast knowledge of India, its culture, its numerous religious, and the lives of common folks especially the native poor. He tells good stories. Rudyard Kipling spent his early age with a Hindu deliverer Meeta and a Goan Catholic fraulein. He had spoken hindustani before he spoke English. Though his stay in the India was short, yet it handed motivation to Rudyard Kipling to solidify and consolidate his testament of culture. Itis developed with the help of his work Kim.


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How to Cite

Ms. Minal P. Vasava. (2022). A Critical study on Kim by Rudyard Kipling. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 7(4). Retrieved from http://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1016