
  • Rajandeep Kaur


Social media, Teenagers, Mental health, Social networking, Punjab


Social Media has become an inseparable component of our everyday existence. It is a forum with numerous pros and cons. Individuals from diverse age brackets employ social media. Every social media platform has its operational method and distinct data. They utilize social networking portals for diverse purposes. This study is conducted to know the knowledge of various social media platforms among the teenagers. It aims to examine the consciousness of teenagers regarding different social networking platforms and their utilization. It also assesses the influence of social media on their psychological well-being. Social media is a title that refers to all the websites and tools born and developed in the space created by modern media such as media networks, the Internet and mobile phones. The impact of emerging phenomena, such as social networks, on human health, especially mental health, is significant. Despite growing evidence about the impact of social media on teen mental health, there is little question about how teens themselves perceive social media specifically as a knowledge resource, or whether they consider social media more broadly.


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How to Cite

Rajandeep Kaur. (2023). SOCIAL MEDIA AND TEENAGERS: A STUDY OF MENTAL HEALTH. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si6), 821–842. Retrieved from