Re-imagining Science Journalism in India: Prospects and Challenges under NEP 2020




Science journalism, NEP 2020, Challenges, Interdisciplinary education, India


This paper explores the prospects and challenges of re-imagining science journalism education in India under the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020). The importance of science journalism in India is highlighted, and the current state of science journalism education is examined, including the challenges faced by the current system. The potential benefits of the NEP 2020 for science journalism education are discussed, including the encouragement of an interdisciplinary approach and the potential for innovation and critical thinking. The paper also analyzes the potential for collaboration between science and journalism departments in universities and the incorporation of new technologies in science journalism education under the NEP 2020. Potential challenges in implementing the NEP 2020 in science journalism education are identified, including resistance to change and lack of resources. The paper concludes by summarizing the potential benefits of re-imagining science journalism education under the NEP 2020 and issuing a call to action for stakeholders in science and journalism education to collaborate and innovate.


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How to Cite

AZAMAT ALI. (2023). Re-imagining Science Journalism in India: Prospects and Challenges under NEP 2020. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si6), 184–194. Retrieved from