




This project seeks to give unneeded medications and treatments. Unused remedies may be given to a needy person for future use. This software enables users to donate unneeded medications to non-profit organizations. Admin, NGO, and User are the three individuals who make up this organization. The administrator will log in and manage users, barring and deleting those who are using inappropriate or outdated medications. Admin also has a consultant who must approve of the appointment requested by the NGO. The administrator receives a monthly noise of provided cures. Using authorizations, NGOs can register and log in. They can advertise an appointment request that will be placed more appropriately and listed by the administrator. The stock is managed by an NGO, which aids in keeping track of the available treatments. There are three people in this organization namely administrator, NGO, and user. Admin will log in and manage users by removing and blocking users providing incorrect or expired medication. Admin also has a consultant who likes the appointment requested by the NGO. Admin has a monthly noise of remedies that have been added. NGO can register and log in using authorization. They can promote a meeting request that will be added more suitable and will be a list by the admin. The NGO manages the inventory, which helps maintain a record of available remedies. In case of security, the NGO can also change its password. Users can register and login using credentials. They can donate the remedies by providing the details of the remedies and raising the demand, further it will be agreed by the admin and the NGO, they will schedule the donation date. users can also review their previous remedial transaction data.


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How to Cite

UDIT AGGARWAL. (2023). ONLINE MEDICINE DONATION SYSTEM. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(5). Retrieved from