Construction and Standardization of English Language Ability Test for the Students of Standard 8th

Construction and Standardization of English Language Ability Test for the Students of Standard 8th


  • Dr. K. S. Raviya


Language is a tool through which we express our emotions, demands, thoughts, likes, dislikes, happiness and sorrow. In today’s age of globalization, education is imparted to not only in mother tongue, but in an international language like English. English language is widely used in India. As we enter in the 21st century marathon race, when all countries have recognized the importance of the English language, we too must adopt English language. With the fast-evolving world, English has become a common language which we can understand to make use of data and information available.

English is now considered as an important language, not only in the learning institutions but also within the society. Unfortunately, we find that the standard of English among pupils is disappointing. The reason for this situation taking place is the fact that they lack basic concept of the language. Lack of effective teaching is also one of the reasons. Language ability test can be put into a tool that attracts students positively towards language. So the researcher has decided to construct and standardize English language ability tool that can help students’ language ability.


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How to Cite

Dr. K. S. Raviya. (2022). Construction and Standardization of English Language Ability Test for the Students of Standard 8th. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(3). Retrieved from