Population is a topic that has been talked about over and over by economists throughout time and with good reason. The issues related to population include depletion of raw materials and resources that are used for human consumption, this means the depletion of raw materials and resources will lead to an end in production of goods and services that mankind have grown accustomed to consumption for their daily needs and wants. So there is a connection between population and productivity of which if population is too high or too low it will bring about the inefficiency and ineffectiveness in production. This study sees itself with the aim of going further on aspect of population check which was part of the population theory made by Thomas Malthus in which he talked about population check where he pointed out the importance of it and that if population is left unchecked then the human race will end up depleting raw material and resources to satisfy their consumption behaviors. The increase in population has seen a lot of deforestation, air pollution and many other things arise due to relocation of humans in order to occupy any free and inhabited land or build factories to increase production for human consumption. Regardless of the time frame of Malthus and his theory on human population, it is still evident and relevant that as he stated in his theory human behavior still indeed follows the pattern of procreation and that’s why there is a need of controlling it before it gets too big to overlook and manage. There are many things that could be linked with an unchecked population of which I would encourage more scholars to undergo deeper into the study of population to better help mankind understand the importance and dangers of a population left unchecked.
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