Enhancing Resilience and Productivity in Apiaceae Crops (Dill Seed) through Molecular Marker-Assisted Breeding: Insights into Genetic Diversity and Marker-Trait Relationships

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Seed Spices
Molecular Marker
Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)
Simple sequence repeats (SSRs)
Crop improvement
Marker-assisted breeding

How to Cite

Vishal J. Mistry. (2024). Enhancing Resilience and Productivity in Apiaceae Crops (Dill Seed) through Molecular Marker-Assisted Breeding: Insights into Genetic Diversity and Marker-Trait Relationships. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(6). https://doi.org/10.58213/vidhyayana.v9i6.1981


One of the most significant taxonomic groups of flowering plants, the Apiaceae family, has thousands of species utilized in food production, flavoring, fragrance, medicine, and industry. The primary goal of this study was to examine the genomics and transcriptomic data available for this family and their use for the constitution of new varieties. Stress is a genetic and environmental factor. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance as a percentage over the mean was observed for economic traits (85.5 and 34.7% for leaf yield, respectively), which indicated that the traits were highly heritable in nature; hence, selection breeding is most effective. These markers are classified into various groups on the basis of how the markers are used. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers serve to identify and screen hybrids on the basis of salinity and drought stress tolerance, whereas simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers are excellent for the assessment of stress tolerance. A total of 200 SSR alleles and 150 polymorphic RAPD bands were identified, revealing significant genetic variability within and among the species. Marker-trait association analysis revealed specific markers linked to high yield, disease resistance, and drought tolerance. These findings suggest that MABs can significantly increase breeding efficiency, leading to the development of improved Apiaceae cultivars with greater resilience and productivity. Advantages such as rapidity, noninterference by the environment, and accuracy during selection have made marker-assisted selection the most reliable tool for identifying agronomically important traits. This review outlines the general characteristics of some important DNA markers and current information about how to use them in MAS. Historical milestones in plant breeding: For 10,000 years, farmers and breeders have been developing and improving crops.



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