Contemplating Hunger in Endurance: A Droll Saga

Contemplating Hunger in Endurance: A Droll Saga


  • Mr. Bhavdip Chavda


Endurance: A Droll Saga, originally published in Gujarati in 1947 as Manavini Bhavai, is a modern classic –modern in the sense of being a major achievement in a fictional mode, Pannalal himself had initiated withhis Malela Jeev (1941) in Gujarati literature. Set against the rural backdrop of Gujarat it is a fictionalized account of the great famine of 1900 which had ravaged this part of India. Written in simple, direct style, free of conventional artifice and sophistication, at the same time without being ‘crude’ or ‘raw’, it is the story of love between Kalu and Raju, but is also the story of the hard and tragic lives of farmers in Indian villages. Rarely has the village of Gujarat been so artistically etched as in this novel.


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Abrams, M H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. New Delhi: Heinel, 1999.

Cudden, J.A. Dictionary of LITERARY TERMS & LITERARY THEORY. London: Penguin books, 1976.

Patel, Pannala. Manavini Bhavai. Ahemdabad: Sadhana Prakashan, 1947.

Patel, Pannalal. ENDURANCE: A Droll Saga. Trans. V Y Kanatak. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi, 1995.

Patel, Pramod Kumar. Pannalal Patel. Ahemdabad: Kumkum Prakashan, 1984.

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How to Cite

Mr. Bhavdip Chavda. (2015). Contemplating Hunger in Endurance: A Droll Saga. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 1(3). Retrieved from