Reassessing the Role of Folklore in Anglo-Latin Hagiography, "Once Upon a Time There Was a Saint"

Reassessing the Role of Folklore in Anglo-Latin Hagiography, "Once Upon a Time There Was a Saint"


  • Nirav Vyas


The present article expounds upon the various methodologies employed in the identification and discernment of folkloric elements within the realm of hagiographical literature. This scholarly article delves into the intricate relationship between folklore and oral storytelling, shedding light on the significance of adopting a "performer-centered" perspective when analyzing folklore and hagiographical production. In order to accomplish this, the present study extensively relies upon English hagiographical sources originating from the eleventh and twelfth centuries.


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How to Cite

Nirav Vyas. (2023). Reassessing the Role of Folklore in Anglo-Latin Hagiography, "Once Upon a Time There Was a Saint". Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si6), 1050–1079. Retrieved from