The Impact of Teacher's Personality Traits on Motivation, Academic Achievement, and Self-Efficacy of Students in Physical Education Learning Domains

The Impact of Teacher's Personality Traits on Motivation, Academic Achievement, and Self-Efficacy of Students in Physical Education Learning Domains


  • Gurpreet Kaur


Teacher’s Personality Traits, Achievement Motivation, Academic Achievement, Self-Efficacy, Physical Education, Domains of Learning, Students, Teachers


The purpose of cognitive teaching and content in physical education is to help students develop the information, attitudes, and motor skills required for physical activity and fitness. Adaptation, communication, empathy, listening, patience, and teamwork are some traits of an effective teacher. The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between Teacher’s Personality Traits and Achievements Motivation, Academic Achievement, and Self Efficacy of the Student to ascertain the effect of a Teacher’s Personality Traits on the Self-Efficacy of the Student in the learning domains of physical education. An experimental design along with a survey method has been used in the study. Primary data is evaluated using a correlation and regression model. The analysis is done on the statistical program named SPSS and through Excel. The main method of collecting data is a questionnaire. A sample size of 400 respondents of students and teachers from Chandigarh was taken in the study, which is categorized as 200 respondents each, out of which 130 are boys/males and 70 are girls/females. The finding shows that “health-related fitness,” as learning activities provided by teachers in many “school physical education programs,” had different relationships with “students' self-efficacy, achievements motivation, academic achievement.”


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How to Cite

Gurpreet Kaur. (2023). The Impact of Teacher’s Personality Traits on Motivation, Academic Achievement, and Self-Efficacy of Students in Physical Education Learning Domains. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si6), 1023–1044. Retrieved from