Critiquing Jay Asher’s Thirteen Reasons Why

Critiquing Jay Asher’s Thirteen Reasons Why


  • Purna Doshi


Psychoanalysis, demons, internal / external struggle, self-reflection


The research describes the challenges encountered by the main character, Hannah. A qualitative methodology is utilized for the investigation. The strategy of attack consists of using a detailed approach. The book, Thirteen Reasons Why, gets released in the United States by Razorbill in 2007, which serves as the source for this psychoanalysis. While gathering and analyzing the data for this study, several passages from the book Thirteen Reasons Why are referred to. For this investigation, the psychoanalytic approach is chosen as the appropriate technique of inquiry to follow.

In light of the findings that emerges from the examination of the data, one may derive following conclusions:

  • Hannah first struggles with her demons, which manifest themselves as feelings of disappointment, despair, confusion, anxiety, dread, distrust, panic, trauma, and boredom. These feelings also marks Hannah's external struggles. These emotion turn out to be the root cause of all of problems.
  • The second is Hannah's struggles due to her contact with the other characters in the novel, such as conflict, betrayal, disagreement, and incarceration.

The inquiry results indicate that this book needs to be made available to students participating in the English Education Study Program as an additional literary resource. The book Thirteen Reasons Why may serve as a resource for readers interested in self-reflection and contemplation.


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How to Cite

Purna Doshi. (2023). Critiquing Jay Asher’s Thirteen Reasons Why. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si6), 963–977. Retrieved from