Personality Development Through the Micro Lens of The Bhagavad Gita

Personality Development Through the Micro Lens of The Bhagavad Gita


  • Ranjana


Attitude, Circumstances, Inclination, Manual, Personality, Temperament


We individuals reside in such a world where all vary from one another in terms of inclinations, professions, hobbies, nature and of course personality to a great extent. It’s only due to one’s personality that one gets a fair idea about one’s taste, outlook, attitude and thinking pattern in various aspects of life. Developing one’s personality is not at all a one-day affair. Becoming a refined and polished individual in every aspect takes years and years of hard toil and dedication. Infact, only that person can well elaborate this fact who has undergone such a change in his personality. Moreover, this change is only possible if one is willing from the inside otherwise, there is no power on this earth which can upgrade one’s personality. Apart from this, at times personality of an individual grooms well when a person starts moving in the footsteps of one’s ideal person can be a close friend, parent, mentor or some challenging circumstances in life.  In addendum, change is must in life and that change is always for the best because a person tries to see things with a totally novice look which actually gives him wings to fly and soar high in life with vibrant colours. The sole aim of this research paper is to develop one’s personality through the world-renowned holy scripture The Bhagavad Gita. It is considered a ready manual for everything that enters and departs away from life by taking one’s personality to an elevated and much-refined level. There is no scripture in this Universe that can do it in a much better way except The Bhagavad Gita. It aims at developing one’s personality by smoothing all rough edges in one’s personality to the fullest and helps one to tackle anything in life.


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Das Gopal Gaur. Energize Your Mind Penguin Random House India. 2023. pp. 17

Das Gopal Gaur. Energize Your Mind Penguin Random House India. 2023. pp.16

Sadhguru Accessed 14. May 2023.

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How to Cite

Ranjana. (2023). Personality Development Through the Micro Lens of The Bhagavad Gita. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si6), 927–932. Retrieved from