Rensis Likert’s Leadership Style and Organizational Management: A Systematic Review

Rensis Likert’s Leadership Style and Organizational Management: A Systematic Review


  • Jitesh Kumar Das


Leadership Style, Job Performance, Job Satisfaction, Management Efficiency


Any organization is a unique synthesis of its workers, duties, and objectives. The creative individual with a certain set of talents is known as the head of the organization. Each manager develops his or her management style, taking into account both objective and subjective aspects and adjusting them under certain circumstances. In every company, management plays a key role. The manager's vision, passion, and honesty define his advancement and profitability. Each manager has his method of completing different duties, such as creating goals, formulating a plan to achieve them, supervising and coordinating activities, environmental management, and human resources development. Management style is termed this particular technique to execute things. Various names call various management styles. For the present study, Rensis Likert's management or leadership model was reviewed to observe its impact on organizational management.


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How to Cite

Jitesh Kumar Das. (2021). Rensis Likert’s Leadership Style and Organizational Management: A Systematic Review. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from