Insect pest issues and their long-term trends in vegetable crop losses: A review

Insect pest issues and their long-term trends in vegetable crop losses: A review


  • Amrit Deep Kaur


emerging insect pest, vegetable, crop loss, food


The world population has been growing at an uncontrollable rate, and the green revolution has undoubtedly increased global food supplies. However, in addition to degrading the environment, it has resulted in increased pest losses. In the twenty-first century, the insect pest problem in agriculture has undergone a significant shift.With changes in cropping patterns, prudent pesticide use, climate change, and the introduction of input-intensive high-yielding varieties. Many pests have broadened their host range and developed pesticide resistance. Exotic pests are being introduced. In India, many pests are major biotic constraints to vegetable production. The loss caused by insect pests is estimated to be 30-40%.We discuss major insect pests of vegetable crops in this review paper. Growers must quickly identify insect problems and implement early control measures to prevent pests from becoming out of control.


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How to Cite

Amrit Deep Kaur. (2021). Insect pest issues and their long-term trends in vegetable crop losses: A review. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from