Establishment of Muslim Rule in Kashmir

Establishment of Muslim Rule in Kashmir


  • Mumin Sajad


Society, Transformation, Interwined, Foundation, Dynasty, Khanqah


The transformation of Kashmir society from Hinduism to Islam was a complex and multifaceted process that involved a variety of factors, including political, social, and cultural changes. It was not a sudden or abrupt shift, but rather a gradual process that took place over several centuries. As Islam gradually spread into the region, it encountered a rich and vibrant culture that had been shaped by centuries of Hindu rule. Over time, the Islamic faith and the culture of the Kashmiri people became intertwined; giving rise to a unique synthesis that reflected the diverse cultural and religious traditions of the region.


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Hasan, Mohibul, Kashmir under the Sultans, Aakar books,2005

Ahmad, Iqbal, Kashmir under Hindu Rajas, Srinagar, 2007

Sofi, G.M.D, Islamic culture in Kashmir, Gulshan books Kashmir,2013

Kumar, Nisar, and Allie, Mohamad, Yaqoob, Early history of Kashmir, Creates space Independent, India,2015

Bamzai, P.N,K, Culture and Political history of Kashmir, Gulshan books, 2019

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How to Cite

Mumin Sajad. (2023). Establishment of Muslim Rule in Kashmir. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si6), 563–569. Retrieved from