Rural Tourism in Kashmir valley: - Tool for rural infrastructure and rural economy.

Rural Tourism in Kashmir valley: - Tool for rural infrastructure and rural economy.


  • Mr. Nadeem Akhtar


rural, adventure, culture, eco-tourism, heritage


Any form of tourism that showcases the rural life, art, culture and heritage at rural locations, thereby benefiting the local community economically and socially as well as enabling interaction between the tourists and the locals for a more enriching tourism experience can be termed as rural tourism. Rural tourism is essentially an activity which takes place in the countryside. It is multi-faceted and may entail farm/agricultural tourism, cultural tourism, nature tourism, adventure tourism, and eco-tourism. As against conventional tourism, rural tourism has certain typical characteristics like; it is experience oriented, the locations are sparsely populated, it is predominantly in natural environment, it meshes with seasonality and local events and is based on preservation of culture, heritage and traditions. The paper aims to analyze the rural tourism prospects through the rural community in the selected areas of Kashmir valley.


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How to Cite

Mr. Nadeem Akhtar. (2023). Rural Tourism in Kashmir valley: - Tool for rural infrastructure and rural economy. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si6), 502–517. Retrieved from