Indo-US Economic Ties during UPA Government

Indo-US Economic Ties during UPA Government


  • Sarwan Singh
  • Dr. Hakim Singh


UPA Government, economic ties, US, India


The relationship between the world’s first democracy United States (US) and largest democracy India is a topic of all time concern. These two are very significant on the map of world. From last few decades India and US have changed their relationships in positive manner and this trend is likely to followed for coming decades. The strong economic ties can be expected between the two nations as economic issue will be considered as an important aspect in framing the Indian Foreign Policy. Economic ties between India and US are not only beneficial in economic sector but it is also helpful for US to think strategically and balance the powers in Asia especially in South East Asia. The economic ties between India and US are also helpful for the trade of technology and defence equipment for national interest.


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How to Cite

Sarwan Singh, & Dr. Hakim Singh. (2023). Indo-US Economic Ties during UPA Government. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si6), 459–467. Retrieved from