The Impact of Indian Independence Movement on the select Novels of Raja Rao

The Impact of Indian Independence Movement on the select Novels of Raja Rao


  • Rashmi. S


Indian Writing in English is influenced by Gandhian ideology. Gandhi emphasized more on social, political, and religious problems of the oppressed and down trodden lower castes in Hindu society. His aim was to abolish poverty, caste system and untouchability from society. The present study reveals prominently the influence of Mahatma Gandhi on the village of Kanthapura. ‘Kanthapura’ is the microcosm of the Indian traditional society and what happened in Kanthapura was also happened in India during 1919-1930. It is not only a political novel, but also a novel which concerns with socio-religious and economic transformation during the struggle for independence. ‘Kanthapura’ follows Gandhi’s doctrine and ideology of non-violence, Satyagraha, their views on untouchability and casteism etc. The novel can be considered Gandhi-epic. Gandhi aroused national awakening in Indians with his non-violent struggle for freedom movement which was strengthened by noncooperation and civil disobedience movement in Kanthapura village. Gandhi’s influential personality and his ideology is felt everywhere in the novel. Indeed, Gandhi doesn’t appear in this novel personally, but the plot of the novel revolves around his ideology. This research article, ‘Gandhi’s Ideology: A Study of Raja Rao’s Kanthapura’ aims at how the Gandhi’s ideology influenced Raja Rao which resulted in the creation of the character of Moorthy. It also focuses on how Moorthy, under the influence of Gandhi, tries to inspire the people towards the freedom struggle.


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I. Quoted by MK. Naik in Raja Rao 1972-1982; 75.

II. Naik 6.

III. Srinivasa Iyengar KR. Indian Writing in English New Delhi, 1962-1983; 391.

IV. Ratna Rao Shekhar. “Seventy Six Years of Solitude,” Society (August 1985) 30.

V. Ramachandran G.Promotion of Gandhian Philosophy 1966-1973, 33. Ramachandran 34.

VI. Narsimhaiah 47.

VII. Jawaharlal Nehru. The Discovery of India 1961-1972, 358.

VIII. Swami Nityabodhananda, the Myths and Symbols in Indian Civilization Madras, 1980; 7

IX. AMUR, G. S. Raja Rao: the kannada phase. Journal of Karnatak University (Humanities), v. 10, p. 40-52, 1966.

X. CESSAIRE, A. Discourses on colonialism. London: Monthly Review Press, 1972.

XI. DAY, L. B. Govinda Samanta. London: Macmillan and Co., 1874.

XII. DHAWAN, N. R. The colonizer and the colonized in Raja Rao’s Kanthapura.

XIII. In: RAMESH, K. S. (Ed.) Colonial consciousness in black American, African and Indian fiction in English. Jalandhar: ABS Publications, 1991. p. 107-112.

XIV. GERMILL, J. P. The transcreation of spoken Kannada in Raja Rao’s Kanthapura. Literature East and West, v. 18, n. 2-4, p. 191-202, Mar. 1974.

XV. KANTAK, V. Y. The language of Kanthapura. Indian Literary Review, v. 3, n. 2, p. 15-24, Apr. 1985a









XXIV. Rao, A. Sudhakar. Socio-cultural aspects of life in the selected novels of Raja Rao. Atlantic Publishers & Dist, 1999.

XXV. Rao, A. S. (1999). Socio-cultural aspects of life in the selected novels of Raja Rao. Atlantic Publishers & Dist.

XXVI. Singh, Pramod Kumar : Major Indo English Novels & Novels (Sublime Publication, Jaipur 2001)

XXVII. Singh, Pramod Kumar : Indian Fiction in English, (Atanlatic Publication, New Delhi; 2001) [3] Singh, Pramod Kumar : Indian English Literature: Issues & trends; (Lying Books, Jaipur, 2010)

XXVIII. Singh, Pramod Kumar : Five Contemporary Indian Novelists, (Book Enclave, Jaipur, 2001)

XXIX. Singh, R.A. & K. Kumar : Critical Studies on Indian Writing in English, (Book Enclave, Jaipur, 2003)

XXX. Raja Rao, The Serpent and The Rope, London: John Murray, 1960, (p.16). All subsequent references will be to this edition, and only page numbers will be parenthetically cited within the text.

XXXI. Paul Sharrad, Raja Rao and Cultural tradition, Banglor: Sterling Publishers Private Ltd., 1987, p.42.

XXXII. Shyamala A. Narayan, Raja Rao: Man and His Works, New Delhi: Sterling publishers Private Ltd., 1988, p.48.

XXXIII. Som Deva, Raja Rao's The Serpent and The Rope: A critical Study, Bara Bazar: Prakash Book Depot, 1983, P 46



(The references are to be as per Chicago Manual).

Dave, Arjun. "Critical Study of Chinu Modi’s One Act Plays Bhasmasur and Kalparivartan." Vidhyayana-An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reveiwed E-Journal-ISSN 2454-8596 1.6 (2016).

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How to Cite

Rashmi. S. (2021). The Impact of Indian Independence Movement on the select Novels of Raja Rao. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from