Impact of Digital Communication on Written English Language

Impact of Digital Communication on Written English Language


  • Nikita Mahajan


Digital communication has permeated every aspect of our lives. It has significantly altered how we use English in writing. By examining the development of written English in the digital era, this research seeks to determine the effects of digital communication on the written English language.

Due to the prevalence of slang and conversational phrases in digital communication, official writing has given way to more casual writing. This change has been brought about by the rise of online social networking channels that promote spontaneity and speed in conversation. As a consequence, the usage of acronyms, abbreviations, and emojis in digital interactions has increased, affecting how we represent ourselves in written English.

The research method used for this study includes an inclusive review of the literature on the subject matter that emphasizes on latest studies and publications. The use of the latest forms of written communication, changes in grammar and syntax, and the quickness and efficiency of written communication. The results of this study imply that the written English language has been significantly impacted by digital communication. New writing styles have emerged in informal written communication, especially in social media postings, messaging applications, and electronic mail. Some of the examples include emoticons, & acronyms.

The written English language has been significantly impacted by digital communication, which has changed its structure, grammar, syntax, and effectiveness. More study is required to comprehend its long-term implications and identify mitigation techniques.


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How to Cite

Nikita Mahajan. (2023). Impact of Digital Communication on Written English Language. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si6), 402–412. Retrieved from