Paulo Coelho’s Belief in the Magic and Its Expression in His Select Novels

Paulo Coelho’s Belief in the Magic and Its Expression in His Select Novels


  • Kriplani Babita N.


Magic, Magical realism, Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist, The Zahir, The Pilgrimage


This paper aims to study the employment of the magical realities in The Alchemist, The Pilgrimage and The Zahir by Paulo Coelho. It also presents Coelho’s beliefs in magical elements of life and its expression in his select novels. The study is based on the approach of magical realism to analyze the matter. In order to gain additional understanding and insight from the perspective of magical realities, the topic of magical thinking will be investigated in relation to Paulo Coelho's life and works. The emphasis on the commonplace, the ordinary, and the familiar is one of the main characteristics of magical realism. Paulo’s works' closest resemblance to reality is one of their best qualities. He makes magic a part of our everyday reality. By analysis, this study demonstrates how magic is clearly present all around us and also demonstrates that magic is more human than divine.


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Coelho, Paulo. The Alchemist. Translated by Alan Clarke, Harpercollins Publishers, 1988.

coelho, paulo. The Pilgrimage. Translated by Alan Clarke, Harpercollins, 2021.

Paulo Coelho. The Zahir. Translated by Margaret Costa, Harpercollins, 2005.

Coelho, Paulo, and Juan Arias. Paulo Coelho: Confessions of a Pilgrim. HarperCollins UK, 2001.

Morais, Fernando. Paulo Coelho: A Warrior’s Life: The Authorized Biography. Harperone, 2009.

“Paulo Coelho’s Mystical Way of Weaving Magic!”, 1 Dec. 2019, ~:text=He%20believes%20that%20human%20beings. Accessed 24 Mar. 2023.

“Supernatural Elements Research Papers.”, Accessed 24 Mar. 2023.

Sadhguru. Inner Engineering. Penguin Random House, India, 2016.

Mayer, Claude-Hélène, and David Maree. “The Magical Life and Creative Works of Paulo Coelho: A Psychobiographical Investigation.” Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, vol. 18, no. sup1, Aug. 2018, pp. 1–16, Accessed 27 Mar. 2020.

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How to Cite

Kriplani Babita N. (2023). Paulo Coelho’s Belief in the Magic and Its Expression in His Select Novels. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si6), 14–24. Retrieved from