Design and implementation of MAES (modified Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm in ANDROID for multimedia applications


  • Riddhi Somaiya
  • Dr. Atul Gonsai





The most advanced and popular security protocol for wireless communication is WPA2 which uses Counter Mode with CBC-MAC (cypher block chaining message authentication code) Protocol (CCMP) for encryption. CCMP employs Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) as an encryption algorithm. AES is considered the most secure encryption algorithm available today for wireless multimedia communication. Recently there have been many modifications suggested in AES for improving its performance in terms of execution time, memory usage, power consumption, throughput, security etc...Also many new implementations of the AES algorithm in different hardware and software environments have been proposed. The efficiency of AES is an issue as it decreases when large input data like multimedia files are used. Nowadays due to the cheap and easy availability of the internet in mobile devices, large multimedia files are continuously being exchanged over the network. Many cases of unauthorized access and data theft have been observed. Also, with advancements in the Internet of Things (IoT), there is a desperate need for an efficient AES algorithm for security purposes. This paper proposes modifications in AES and compares the results of the implementation of standard AES and this modified version of AES in ANDROID devices. Results show an improvement of 70 per cent on average in the efficiency of AES for encryption and decryption of TEXT, Audio and Image files. This is achieved through modifications in Sbox and mix columns. This paper proposes an efficient AES algorithm while keeping the security level constant for wireless multimedia communication in ANDROID devices.


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How to Cite

Riddhi Somaiya, & Dr. Atul Gonsai. (2023). Design and implementation of MAES (modified Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm in ANDROID for multimedia applications. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(5).