The concept of utilizing Smartphones for competence building: comparison and contrast

The concept of utilizing Smartphones for competence building: comparison and contrast


  • Urvisha Sisodiya


English for specific purposes, Smartphones, mobile application, Language development


For a few years now, the concept of language development through ICT integration has been popular.  Almost all young learners choose to use the learning-related aspects of their smartphones. Most of the scholars agree that using a smartphone to increase language skills is exciting. We barely ever come across somebody who doesn't have access to a smartphone. The user-friendly interface of the Smartphone is its key selling point. These interactive features of mobile applications provide captivating and inspiring tools with instantaneous outcomes. If language growth is not time-consuming, learners experience the ease. A big number of students are being drawn in by user-friendly interfaces and mobile classroom amenities. Students download mobile programs that mimic the classroom environment and begin using them. On smartphones, there are preloaded dictionaries that are bilingual and multilingual. In order to meet the educational demands of students, several government regulations in India promote access to smartphones, tablets, laptops, and language labs. Therefore, the researcher is investigating how cellphones may be used for both educational and non-educational objectives. The researcher thinks that a number of smartphone characteristics make language learning simple and straightforward. Additionally, it fosters the idea of self-directed learning and makes room for long-term development. Because cellphones have intuitive conceptual designs, students get emotionally attracted to them. Here, the researcher wants to show that the smartphone provides a lot of help for anyone's language development overall.


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(Klímová, 2019) Use of smartphone applications in English language learning- A challenge for foreign language learning.

(Metruk, 2022) Smartphone English Language learning challenges: A systematic literature review.

(Muhammad Siddique, 2015): The effectiveness of using mobile phones in enhancing writing skills: Teachers’ and students’ reflections.

(Rosell-Aguilar, 2014) How smartphones are revolutionizing language learning.

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How to Cite

Urvisha Sisodiya. (2023). The concept of utilizing Smartphones for competence building: comparison and contrast. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(4). Retrieved from