Women in The Tempest and Abhignansakuntalam: A Comparative Study

Women in The Tempest and Abhignansakuntalam: A Comparative Study


  • Shivangi D Dave


Nature,, Nurture,, beauty,, Sensitive,, Pure,, Similarity


William Shakespeare was born in England between the 16th and the first part of the 17th century, but Kalidas was born in India in the 4th century BC. Unlike Kalidas, who wrote in Sanskrit, Shakespeare's literary works are all written in English. Shakespeare, in addition to his sonnets and other poetry, has added approximately 37 plays to world literature. The fact that there are just three plays by Kalidas is a plus. i.e., Abhignansakuntalam, Malvikagnimitram, and Vikramorvasiyam, in addition to his epics and short poems. The researchers discovered startling similarities in the presentation of subjects like love, nature, and the portrayal of men and women, even though they come from different cultures, languages, times, and places. The Tempest, which is thought to be Shakespeare's final play, particularly in terms of how women are portrayed, has a remarkable resemblance to Kalidas' Abhignansakuntalam. Both authors describe their heroines as innocent, pure children of nature. Therefore, comparing the depictions would be highly intriguing.


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Kale, M.R, editor (1983). The Abhignansakuntalam of Kalidas.

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How to Cite

Shivangi D Dave. (2020). Women in The Tempest and Abhignansakuntalam: A Comparative Study. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(5). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/521