A Critique on Amish Tripathi’s Meluha

A Critique on Amish Tripathi’s Meluha


  • Nishant Dave


Myth, story, freedom, best-seller


A myth is inevitable story which is a far history. Myth is the agglomeration of transient stories that is indigenous in almost all the culture. There are myriads stories of the particular myth. There is no correct or conspicuous version of a myth because the most famous imagination is having the various sides of the one myth. Conflated myths cannot share same plot. The veracity of the myth is always been a topic to debate .Prominent portrayals of mythical stories and figures are to a great extent moulded by the famous originations of a generally obscure, mysterious wonders.

Film artists and producers have progressively taken the creative opportunity to suitable myths for their own imaginative closures .The connection among fantasy and writing has taken different structures. In writing, fantasies have been perused emblematically, truly, reworked and reproduced out properly. Journalists change the usually acknowledged thoughts in a fantasy to introduce an adjusted plot. The thesis means to describe how The Shiva Trilogy – The Immortals of Meluha, The Secret of the Nagas, The Oath of Vayuputra by Amish Tripati revise  the myths encloses Shiva to remit a smash hit in modern India. It likewise expects to address the key inquiry of the degree or point of confinement of aesthetic opportunity given to an author while managing a touchy and petulant theme as myths. The paper with its examination of three well known books lights up on the utilization of folklore in mainstream culture, explicitly writing.


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Tripati, Amish. The Immortals of Meluha. New Delhi: Westland Publishers, 2010.print.

Brady, Ralph. A Critical Analysis in Depth. New York: Barrister Publishing Co, 1966.Print.

Flaherty, Wendy Doniger O’. Hindu Myths. Ed.Betty Radice. New Delhi: Penguin Books, 1975.Print.

Hari, D.K. Understanding Shiva. Bangalore: Sri Sri Publications, 2006.print.

Menon, Ramesh. Siva. New Delhi: Rupa Publications, 2006.print.

Segal, Robert.A Very Short Introduction. United States: Oxford U. P, 2004.Print.

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How to Cite

Nishant Dave. (2020). A Critique on Amish Tripathi’s Meluha. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(3). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/518