A survey of adolescent girls in Saurashtra's rural and urban areas on their knowledge of women's rights

A survey of adolescent girls in Saurashtra's rural and urban areas on their knowledge of women's rights


  • Bukhari Tabassum F


Adolescent girls, Fundamental rights, Wages and employment, Domestic violence, Prostitution and eve teasing


The current study was carried out in the Saurashtra Barabanki district. The research project aimed to evaluate teenage girls' understanding of women's rights in urban and rural locations. 120 teenage females, 60 from urban and 60 from rural regions were chosen on purpose. A survey was conducted using a self-structured questionnaire with closed-ended questions to gather information on fundamental rights. These rights include the right to education, health care, property, marriage, dowries, pregnancy and abortion, wages and employment, domestic violence, prostitution, and even teasing. The survey was carried out in India. The data were analyzed using the means, frequencies, and percentages over various dimensions. The majority of urban teenage females have an understanding of women's rights, according to the findings. Adolescent girls from rural and urban areas differed in their awareness of basic rights, women's political rights, the right to education, health, and property, and issues like domestic abuse, prostitution, and eve teasing.


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How to Cite

Bukhari Tabassum F. (2021). A survey of adolescent girls in Saurashtra’s rural and urban areas on their knowledge of women’s rights. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/515