Spiritual Concept of ‘Death before Death’ and the Story of ‘The Three Fishes’ in Rumi’s Mathnawi Manawi

Spiritual Concept of ‘Death before Death’ and the Story of ‘The Three Fishes’ in Rumi’s Mathnawi Manawi


  • Imtiyazbhai D. Ghanchi


Death before death, voluntary death, Fana-fi-Llah, Rumi, The Second Fish, Mathnawi Manawi


In literature of mysticism, ‘death before death’ or ‘voluntary death’ is discussed as the fundamental principle on divine path of Love. The aim of this research paper is to study and analyse this fundamental concept of mysticism through Sufi philosophy of Rumi. Rumi has used many allegories in his magnum opus Mathnawi Manawi in order to illustrate and simplify the Sufi teachings. One of such allegory is the story of ‘The Three Fishes’. This research paper focuses upon the concept of ‘death before death’ with reference to the same story.


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Chittick, W. (1983). The Sufi Path Of Love, State University of New York Press, Albany.

Dayerd, W. (Ed) (2018) The Heart of Hearts of Rumi, Mecca Books LLC

Fana fi Llah (n.d.). In Rekhta Dictionary. http://www. rekhtadictionary.com/dictionary/ fanaa fillah

Rumi, J. (2009). Discourses of Rumi (A. Berry Trans.). Taylor and Frances e-Library (online) retrieved from http://books.gogle.co.in/books/about/Discoursess_of_Rumi

Rumi, J. (2004). Divan-I;Kebir (N.Ergin Trans.). Echo Publication. (Original work published 1368)

Rumi, J. (2004). Mathnawi Manawi (R.A. Nicholson, Trans.) Srinagar, Alfa Publishers and Distributers (Original work published 1273)

Tolle, E. (1997). The Power of No: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, New World Library

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How to Cite

Imtiyazbhai D. Ghanchi. (2020). Spiritual Concept of ‘Death before Death’ and the Story of ‘The Three Fishes’ in Rumi’s Mathnawi Manawi. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(5). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/511