Ayushman Bharat Scheme pave the way to got Universal Health Coverage and fulfill Sustainable Development Goal-3 and achieve

Ayushman Bharat Scheme pave the way to got Universal Health Coverage and fulfill Sustainable Development Goal-3 and achieve


  • Bharti D. Tilavat


National Health Policy 2017, sustainable Development Goal-3, Universal Health Coverage, Ayushman Bharat Scheme success and failure


Healthcare has became one of India's largest Sector both in terms of capital and job creation. The Indian Healthcare Sector is growing at a rapid pace due to its build up coverage, services and increasing spending by Public and Private Sector. Ayushman Bharat Scheme was launch as suggest by National Health Policy 2017. To attain the goal of Universal Health Coverage this innovation has been blue print on the lines as to meet sustainable development goal and its italicize allegiance which is "Leave no one behind" the big aspiration of the Ayushman Bharat Programme presents an chance to follow the systemic reform that India require to meet its Universal Health Coverage target.


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Definition of Health - www.who.int.

PIB govt.in.key poin of national health policy

www.statista.com.health expendture chart.

www.wikipedia.org.stastics of SDG

www.world health org.diogram

PIB.gov.in-statstic of UHC

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How to Cite

Bharti D. Tilavat. (2020). Ayushman Bharat Scheme pave the way to got Universal Health Coverage and fulfill Sustainable Development Goal-3 and achieve. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(5). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/506