The Portrayal of Women Characters in the Selected Novels of R. K. Narayana: A Critical Study

The Portrayal of Women Characters in the Selected Novels of R. K. Narayana: A Critical Study


  • Nilesh Nandaniya


Women, Traditional, Modern, Indian, Characterization, Personality


R.K. Narayana is one of the most well-known Indian English writers. He wrote novels as well as short-stories. One of the most important components of his works is the art of characterisation. Through his portrayals of middle-class families in his works, he has distinguished himself as a master of characterisation. His books are on the everyday lives of south Indian middle-class men and women. In his novels, he has created a sizable cast of both male and female characters. At least one key female character may be found in each of his novels. Rapid social transformation occurred in Indian culture after Independence, and a new kind of woman developed as a force in all spheres of life. Women's problems still dominate the literary world today. Narayan has written novels that address the status and function of women in the home and in society. His books depict the transition of Indian women from a traditional society to one that is contemporary and progressive. He depicted a woman's personality in all of her elements. The present paper is a modest effort to investigate this element of R.K. Narayan's portrayal of women.


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---. The Dark room. Mysore: Indian Thought Publications,1938.

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---. The Guide. Mysore: Indian Thought Publications, 1958.

---. The Man-eater of Malgudi. Mysore: Indian Thought Publications, 1961.

---. The Painter of Signs. Mysore: Indian Thought Publications, 1977.

Walsh, William. R.K. Narayan: A Critical Appreciation. New Delhi: Allied, 1982.

Joshi, Boni D. History and Narrative Techniques in the Novels of Khushwant Singh. Diss. Saurashtra University, 2010.

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How to Cite

Nilesh Nandaniya. (2021). The Portrayal of Women Characters in the Selected Novels of R. K. Narayana: A Critical Study. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 7(3). Retrieved from